seeds-in-handsMy greatest battle takes place within my mind. It is where truth and lies, right and wrong, reality and fantasy fight for ground; Ground that is fertile, ready to sprout whatever seed is planted.  My mind is fragile and I must protect it! I fight to keep it in perfect peace which only comes from trusting God with all of my heart, mind, and soul.

Are your greatest battles fought within your mind?

Maybe you struggle knowing what the truth is anymore because the lies of the enemy have taken root.

Maybe you find yourself analyzing things to the point you become confused not knowing right from wrong.

Maybe your reality is fogged with fantasy in hopes to release the pain in your life.

The battle is real y’all and it can be exhausting as we fight to protect our minds. But wouldn’t you much rather fight for peace than live in bondage? As Christ- followers, God has already given us peace but we forfeit it when we stray from keeping our minds fixed on Christ. The verse I love to pick apart as I battle is Philippians 4:6-8.

“6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praisedwell on these things.”

With that scripture, I am reminded to pray with all of my heart, trust God for His promises, praise and exalt Him for who He is.  That is when my soul is revived with His peace.

As I was reading Deuteronomy 11:18-22 it reminded me of the importance God placed on the Israelites to impress His words on their hearts and souls. He instructed His Word to be seen and taught throughout the day as a reminder. I laughed as I realized our 3×5 cards and sticky notes with scripture was not a new concept. 😉

It was so important to God for them not to lose the battle of the mind! He had them place His commands and promises all around them in the following ways:

  • On your hand and frontals on your forehead
  • When you sit- teach them
  • When you walk- teach them
  • When you lie down-teach them
  • When you rise up-teach them
  • Write them on the door post
  • Write them on the gates

If this was an effective strategy then, I believe it still is for us today. Though it may look different, the concept is the same. God knows what we battle. He knows our thoughts. He also has equipped us to have victory. Don’t give up! Your mind is fertile ground and you get to choose what kind of seeds sprout.