While enjoying the morning on my front porch an older gentleman caught my attention as he walked past me. At first, it was his age, pace, and slightly hunched-over back that caused me to pause and admire him. As he went past I heard him talking to himself. I was a bit concerned at first since he was alone. As I listened to his words I quickly realized he was talking to God as he walked.

I felt honored to witness this private moment.

It reminded me of the many times I too have walked the roads in my neighborhood calling out to God. This exercise has proven over time to be where God meets me while I flesh out my circumstances with Him.

There are many examples I could share with you. However, I hope that sharing this one will encourage those that are in a similar season right now.

During a time of turmoil in my life, the Enemy used people, good people, to verbally attack my husband and me.  I wanted to roll up my sleeves and handle the situation. I wanted to speak what I knew to be true. I wanted to call them out into the light. I wanted to say, “shame on you.” I wanted…

The anger, hurt, and disgust was circling around my heart.

Can you relate?

Perhaps a hurtful rumor is going around about your family that is not true.

Perhaps those that could speak truth for you stand in silence.

Perhaps you clearly see God’s people gossiping and it disgusts you because they know better.

It was time to go for a walk with God!

It was time to tell on them to God!

While walking He reminded me that we were not alone in this mess; that what hurts my heart hurts His; that what had taken place was not His design.

I anticipated that God would give me clearance to have conversations with my offenders.

However, that was not His plan for me. What He spoke to me disappointed my flesh. Big time!

He said, “Jodi, you must stay quiet.”

What? Be quiet? How will they hear the truth, Lord? Who will defend us, Lord?

He said, “I will fight for you.”

What He spoke comes from the pages of Exodus 14:14.

I replied, “Okay Lord, I will remain quiet as I trust You to bring about victory.”

When He fights for us and we remain obedient to His command we are guaranteed victory!

I will confess that disciplining myself to remain quiet during that season was gut-wrenchingly painful. Hebrews 12:11 conveys it best, “No discipline seems enjoyable at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.”

Beloved, there is nothing being done to or said about us that the Lord does not hear or see. He is faithful to bring what is being done in the dark into the light (Mark 4:22).

I’m proud to boast in the Lord that He fought well for us. Sweet victory came little by little. His way and timing was better than any fleshy plan I could have come up with.

Therefore, I love walking and talking with God. While He surrounds me with His presence I can safely convey what’s on my heart and mind (Psalm 125:2). I can always trust His heart and His counsel.

Friend, consider going for a walk, getting on your treadmill, or sitting on a bench in the park so you can be in a safe place to have a sacred conversation with the Lord. After you have unloaded all your cares, then be still and listen to what He wants to say concerning you.

We cannot control the actions of others, but we can control our own.

So, let your actions be filtered through the heart of God. It’s a filter guaranteed to sift out the flesh from the spirit.