I would like to share with you something that has motivated me and encouraged me over the last couple of years.

Several years ago a challenge came out to have a “word” for the year. I thought nothing of it for the longest. However, two years ago the Lord inspired me to test it out.

unbeknownst to me, my “word” for the year would be what propelled me to seek God more intimately, dig my heels in deeper, and flourish in my God-given purpose.

If you have never asked God for a specific word to cling to for 365 days I challenge you to try it out.

In this brief video, I share with you what my last two encouraging words were and why my 2018 “word” is…

I would love to know if you have a specific word that you will cling to for 2018, and if it’s not too personal please share what that word means to you.

I pray that this year will be more fruitful than ever before and that your relationship with God will grow deeper than you ever imagined.

Be Blessed My Friends,

Psalm 37:7 (NASB)
