Jodi Aiken

Empowering Women to Trust God and Apply His Word.
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God Can Be Trusted

Because I have struggled to trust man, I struggled to trust God. I have learned that I am not alone, and to know me is to know about my trustworthy Heavenly Father. I have a passion for God’s Word and for you to cultivate your love for Him.

What is Trust Issues About?

Ask the average Christian how to get through a difficult place in life and you are likely to hear the person say, “Just trust Jesus,” but what does that mean? What does it look like to trust an unseen being? Also, what if you have trusted a friend or loved one only to have that trust shattered? Can you ever trust again?

Every unknown in life presents the opportunity for trust to be affirmed or lost. In Trust Issues, author Jodi Aiken shares her unique take on building confidence in the power of an unseen God. From examples from the life of Israel’s most famous and beloved king to the personal application of her own journey, you will discover how to gain confidence in God’s trustworthiness, the positive purpose of difficult times in your life, and that God can mend your heart if you’ve been hurt before.

If you desire to break the cycle of skepticism and long for the security of a trusting relationship, pack up your boxes of doubt and move them out of the way so you can experience a surrendered life filled with Christ. As you build upon your foundation of trusting God, you will cultivate invaluable intimacy with your Creator and discover an everlasting love you can count on from a truly trustworthy God.

What Others Are Saying

-Bobi Ann Allen, Ministry Leader, Author, Speaker, Round Rock, Texas

“Jodi Aiken’s passion for God and women is infectious. Her warmth and authenticity shines through as she connects with her audience. Women who sit under her leadership are sure to go away moved by her message.”

-Tori Briggs, Women’s Event Attendee, Rocky Mount, North Carolina

“Jodi’s strength is in her humility and it absolutely blew the audience away! Her words drove right through the core of everyone’ s heart. This was the most engaged audience, the most tears and definitely had the Holy Spirit present. I’ve never heard so many women sniffling and affirming a message so earnestly. She was phenomenal!”

-Sheila L. Mills, Author, Speaker, Founder Vessels of Grace & Truth Women Gathering, North Charleston S.C.

“Jodi Aiken’s teaching ministry is best described as unapologetic transparency draped in compelling compassion to lead others to shed their garments of shame and to walk in a place of acceptance and healing. My life has been greatly impacted by our shared experience at the 2018 Vessels of Grace & Truth Women Gathering, Summerville SC.” 

Marriage Retreat Attendee, A.L.

“It was so good to laugh and feel related to! There were several times I was holding back tears because what you two said struck a nerve. Those times don’t feel great, but it helps you realize those foxes that go unnoticed or are stuffed away that need to be dealt with. It led to a lot of conversations that lasted days, which is a good thing. You two made this lighthearted and yet deep. You two are a great team.”

Marriage Conference Attendee, M.G.

“The conference was very well presented in a fun yet effective way. You two are REAL. I’m glad to learn from a fellow imperfect married couple.”


It would be an honor to speak at your women’s event. While the focus of my speaking experience has tended to deal with Christian growth, marriage, and intimacy with God, I’d love to discuss your vision for your conference to tailor a talk that fits your needs perfectly. Let’s start a conversation.


Our Journey with God is a path of faith as we trust Him with each step. So often we think we are alone on this walk, but God assures us that we are not. When we intentionally look for Him, with a pure heart, we will see Him, in simple things and the difficult things of life. “Pennies in You Path,” is about encouraging hearts to seek treasures in Christ. Real Stories, Real Honesty, Real Journeys. Listen on your favorite podcast app.


I invite you to visit my YouTube Channel, Pennies in Your Path, to watch the podcast recordings.


In addition to the video and audio recordings of  “Pennies in Your Path,” I’ve provided devotionals that will encourage and inspire you in your faith journey. Some of these are written by me, while others are authored by my guests. Don’t hesitate any longer; take a look and discover hope, joy, and freedom through personal stories that are intertwined with God’s mercy, grace, and love.

How to Withstand the Pressures of Life

How to Withstand the Pressures of Life

“My Father! If it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.” (Matthew 26:39, NLT) Have you ever wished for God to respond to a crisis in your life differently than He did? I believe that the majority of us...

Trust Issues by Author Jodi L. Aiken

Trust Issues by Author Jodi L. Aiken

Hot Off The PressMY BOOK IS NOW AVAILABLE!I am incredibly humbled to present a project that God and I have worked on for a few years. Trust Issues is a book that helps you cultivate a foundation of trust in God, allowing you to maintain that trust even when life gets...

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