Sometimes I have to remind myself that “my God” is also the God of my children. When I pray for them, I tend to offer suggestions to the Lord, as if He is somehow unaware. Then, I remember He is with them when I cannot be. He loves them more than I ever can imagine. He protects them in ways I do not know how. He knows the depth of their hearts. He knows their coming and going. He hears their prayers. When they cry out to Him, He answers. He is their friend. They are the apple of His eye. He is their healer and the lover of their souls. He never looks for them because He always knows where they are. So when the overprotective mom in me begins to worry, I remember they have God. Or better stated, God has them.
Is the overprotective mom in you rising up often? Are you in constant fear of your children’s wellbeing? Do you etch in your mind scenarios of your fears coming true?
Me too!
God is aware of our motherly concerns and fears. He is also aware of our tendency to think no one can care and love our children like we do.
I noticed when I worry, I pray in great detail. I fear if I do not cover everything then everything might not be covered by God. I felt the burden to pray through the “ifs”. If this happens, then I pray…, but if this happens, then I pray…
I am not saying we should not pray in detail. But I am saying we should not pray in detail out of fear God is not going to cover something because we did not.
I appreciate how this quote from “My Utmost for His Highest” devotion put this to rest for me:
“God is my Father, He loves me, and I will never think of anything that He will forget, so why should I worry?”
That is a good question! Why should we worry when we know God is Sovereign? He is in control of all things, knows all things, and sees all things. Worry does not add life. It takes it away.
The more we understand the character of God, the more we will see His love for our children. After all, He is their creator and knew them before we ever did.
Our children’s frame was not hidden from Him when they were made in the secret place, and when they were woven together in the depths of the earth. His eyes saw their unformed bodies; all the days ordained for them were written in His book before one of them came to be. Psalms 139:15-16 NIV (emphasis added).
God knows our children from the inside out. We can rest in knowing that whatever they are going through, God is always with them, and He is always good.
So the next time you worry yourself to pieces, turn your worry into peace. Remembering your God is the God of your children. He’s got them!
This is a great post!
Thank you!