Sometimes I wonder if I am doing all I can to love God. That may sound like a strange statement, but it’s honest. As I fight the battle between the flesh and spirit I find myself growing weary of giving God my all.
Recently, I read a familiar passage of scripture that washed over my spirit convicting me to take a closer look. The scripture comes from Matthew 22:37… “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.”
While reading it the Lord said, “Jodi, are you loving Me with all of your mind?
Whoa! I knew I was loving Him with all my heart and soul, but I could not say yes to His question. So, I replied with a question:
“Lord, how am I supposed to love you with all of my mind when my thoughts are battling between right and wrong, lies and truth…?”
Do you love God with all your mind, or would you be asking God the same question I did?
God is aware of the difficulty we experience loving Him as He desires us to. Knowing this He has provided us with a powerful weapon that can overthrow the enemy of our mind. His word!
The question is whether or not we will use it. But to use it we must believe God’s word, surrender to it, and live it out.
Are we going to give in and let the flesh win because we are tired of fighting the enemy or will we unleash the power of the Word and claim ground that is the Lord’s?
If God wants us to love Him with our mind, and He does, then no wonder the battle is so intense. The enemy is threatened when our minds are fixed on Christ because we live in peace. (Isaiah 26:3)
The enemy, Satan, is a deceiver, liar, thief, and seeks to distract our thoughts in hopes to lead us down a path of destruction (1 Peter 5:8).
I am willing to stay in the fight using the weapon, the word, God has provided. Are you?
To strengthen my resolve to stay in the battle I created a four-step process using an acronym with the word MIND. (By the way this is God’s answer to my question to Him.)
To help us recall M.I.N.D. click HERE for a printable.
While the process sounds simple, the application of it will prove its need of preparation, awareness, perseverance, and unyielding commitment.
Intentionally ponder about God’s truths, and His promises. Recall times He answered your prayers, provided, protected, and proved His awareness of you. The more you meditate on His word and track history the more you will have your mind fixed on Him.
*Create 3×5 cards with scriptures that encourage you, remind you to love God, and inspire you to worship Him. Place them in your car, on your desk, and on your mirror.
What causes your thoughts to drift away from God? Identify the pitfalls, triggers, so you can be on guard the next time they encroach. Knowing is half the battle. Take comfort in the knowledge that His word heals and delivers us from destructions (Psalm 107:20).
God’s word is a lamp guiding our path, so use it as you navigate a new thought pattern (Psalm 119: 105). Begin by renewing your mind (Romans 12:2). Think on things that are true, honorable, right, pure, and lovely (Philippians 4:8).
Make a commitment declaring that you cannot do this without Him, but with Him you will be victorious (John 15:5). Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He will do it (Philippians 4:13). Declare that you will strive daily to love Him with all your mind (Psalm 37:5).
By the time you have gone through “M.I.N.D.”, you will find your thoughts have been redirected, and you now have the upper hand. Let’s not give up on fighting the flesh so that the spirit may win. God is our strength!
The next time your thoughts are unhealthy, destructive, untrue, or deceptive pause and remember “MIND” (Meditate-Identify-Navigate-Declare). Practice until it becomes second nature.
I pray that when God asks us if we are loving Him with all our mind we will all say, “YES,” and with all our heart and soul, too.
Love it! So timely! Continue to be used by God!
Yay for God and His timing! Thank you for the encouragement!
A great word. Super!
Thank you! Always enjoy reading your thoughts! Such an inspiration!!
Awe, thank you for your encouragement!!