Sitting in my white rocking chair on my front porch is one of my favorite places to meet with God.
It’s the simple things that bring me joy in God while sitting still before Him. Such things as hearing birds chirp, watching my tiny green hummingbird perch on his feeder sipping from its long beak, following the yellow butterfly as it dances around the open air, and feeling the gentle breeze whisper upon me as if it were the breath of God.
God has taught me to be still no matter my circumstances so I can be reminded He is with me, has filled me with joy and peace when I choose to focus on Him.
Do you need to meet with Him today?
Step outside, or sit in your (parked) car with the window down. Then with closed eyes take a deep breath and tell yourself to be still. Ask God to open your eyes recognizing Him in the simple things. At last look for His presence around you.
Go on. Do it.
You may feel silly at first, but anytime we are purposely still before God it delights Him. He desires you to know He is God, He is holy, and He is faithful to keep His promises.
You may wince at the thought of taking the time to be still. I hear you saying, “Jodi, that sounds wonderful, but my life does not afford me such luxury.”
Friend, hear me say to you with loving intentions and a worthy double negative, “You cannot not afford to be still with God.”
He is the one that provides every breath you take.
He is your calm in your storm (Matthew 8:25-27 NIV).
He is truth and grace (John 1:14 NIV).
He is the one that has provided eternal security (John 3:16 NIV).
He is the one that created you (Psalm 139:13 NIV).
He is the one deserving of our attention more than that email, text message, grocery list, pile of dirty dishes, and so many other things. Don’t worry, they will still be there when you’re done.
He is the joy Giver: These things I have spoken to you that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full (John 15:11). Our intimacy with God grows the more we delight in Him; the more we abide in Him; the more we depend on Him.
Let’s be thankful for God’s patience, love, and faithfulness to us. Taking time to recognize Him in the simple things allows the complexities of His everlasting love to thrust us into worship.
“In Your presence is fullness of joy.” (Psalm 16:1b NASB)