My husband, Chris, recently went on a mission trip to South Asia. His heart for the people and perspective as a Christ-follower is beautifully conveyed in a 5 part series he wrote called, “Lessons from South Asia.”

Friend, this is too good not to share with you!

I believe God will use this to offer you insight into missions work and a guide to know how to pray more fervently for the lost and those serving the Lord in South Asia.

Here are just a few quotes from his writings. To see pictures and the full article, click on each of the titles or go to

Lessons from South Asia:

Why go to South Asia?

“While some had heard the name of Jesus, all but a handful of the 150+ people we shared with were certain that this was their FIRST TIME hearing the Name of Jesus.”

Doctrine Matters 

“The well-intentioned (charitably speaking) efforts of this false gospel propagating group had done incredible harm to the advance of the Kingdom in these villages.”

Learning to Love Through Doing 

“I suppose a bottled up, stuck on a shelf, seldom rehearsed story is no less powerful in its nature…but it cannot be appreciated as much until it is shared and shared and shared.”

“As I shared, people were interested…but I was interested in how “interested” they were to hear of God’s creative, redemptive, and restorative work! As I watched God warm hearts and draw people with the gospel, I became more in love with it too!”

You’re on the Right Track 

“On one particular day, I noticed, as we entered an area to share, a man bearing the markings of a radical religious sect. He immediately zeroed in on our group. I was familiar with this sect as I had many dealings with them in another part of the country well-known for its religious persecution.”

When Grace Takes Root 

“Only a recipient of grace can truly pray for God’s grace toward another. I saw the fruit of the gospel reflected so clearly at this moment and was invited to bear a pastor’s family’s burden with them in the days ahead.”