A few years ago, while visiting South Asia, I crossed paths with a little girl on a bridge. She was so tiny sitting alone on a piece of white cardboard. The sun was pounding on her. She sat there wrapped in a navy blue shawl, with a bowl containing a few coins with a rock begging for money. My heart was gripped with anger. So many thoughts came rushing in…How could this be? Where are her parents? Does she have a chance to survive in such a dark culture? Where are You, God, in this? Oh God, what do I do? Surely You want me to do something! And yet, I felt as if I could do nothing.
From my perspective, I felt helpless, and her circumstances seemed hopeless.
Trusting God when I do not understand His ways are challenging for me. Then I remember I am not to lean on my own understanding (Proverbs 3:5), and also acknowledge what Isaiah 55:8 says about the Lord declaring that His thoughts are not my thoughts, and neither are my ways His ways.
We are left with a choice to either trust God’s heart and His ways, or trust our own heart and ways. To be honest, I think my ways are better some times. I would not have chosen to allow such a little soul to be in a position such as this. But I also would not give my son over to die so that you or anyone else may live. God’s heart and character surpasses this flesh and heart of mine.
- I see how His heart created such a precious soul in His own image and it is good. (Romans 8:29)
- I see how His heart is to be a father to the fatherless. (Psalm 68:5)
- I see a God who will deliver the needy when they cry for help, the afflicted also, and him who has no helper. (Psalm 72:12)
- I see His heart in the way He so loves the world (you, me and this girl), that He gave His only begotten son (Jesus), so that those that believe in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)
I know that God allowed my path to cross with this little girl’s path for a specific reason: To intercede (pray) for her. Intercessory prayer reflects God’s character of mercy, grace, love, and compassion. Therefore, I know that as I intercede for her, there is hope for her. I believe that God is able to do more than I can ever ask, and because I do not know the details of her life, I often trust in Romans 8: 26-27:
“In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groaning’s too deep for words; and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.”
Are you wrestling through circumstances in your life right now and wondering where God is? Trust His heart. God is good, and He is faithful even when we cannot see Him at work.
Have you crossed paths with someone that you feel helpless to help? The truth is you can help. Start praying for them today, and trust God is using you in their life.
“When you cannot see God’s fingerprints, then trust His heart.” He is for you! (Psalm 118:6a)
Sister, I don’t know if my previous comment sent but I want you know that this was very helpful to me in understanding that I can let go of my own angst when I feel like I cannot help others physically and emotionally as I desire and that my prayers for them are most powerful. Let go and let GOD 🙂
Good write Jodi
Praise the Lord! Thank you for sharing. It is always encouraging to me to hear from you. I am encouraged knowing I am not alone in the struggles I face.
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Great thoughts by my wife, Jodi, as she reflects on trusting God’s heart…even when you cannot trace His hand in a given situation! Read and share!
Thank you! 😉