Someone once told me that the harder thing to do is be human “being” versus human” doing.”

By nature, we are doers!

We want to roll up our sleeves and see progress.

We work, tirelessly, because the days are short and we need to see we’ve made a difference.

We have an urgency that time is of the essence, and in some ways, it is.

Therefore, it’s natural for us to want to be a human “doing.”

But consider with me for a moment of what it looks like to be a human “being.”

  • Consider the power of the presence of Job’s friends while they sat silent for seven days (Job 2:13).
  • Consider the presence of Moses’ sister when Pharaoh’s daughter found him and stood there waiting to see what would happen (Exodus 2:1-10).
  • Consider Mary’s presence at Jesus’ feet while everyone else carried on (Luke 10:39,42).

The point is that the power of presence is more significant than meets the eye.

You may not feel like you are effective when standing silent beside a friend while she cries, listening to someone pour their heart out during a crisis, or showing up at a celebratory event but that’s a deception from the enemy.

The truth is there is power in your presence.

As a Christ follower, you have the Holy Spirit dwelling within you (1 Corinthians 3:16). Therefore, wherever you are the Lord’s presence is there also (Psalm 139:7). The glory of God is upon you and the hope is that others would see Him in you before they ever see you.

Just showing up sometimes reveals your glowing love for the people you care about or desire to support.

Don’t ever underestimate the–power of your presence.

Be present in your calling right where you are. Being a human “being” can be challenging, but it can be the most rewarding for those you stand by. Who do you need to visit with today?

There is great power in “YOUR” presence.