I want to share with you a message I received from my friend, Janey.

“Early in 2020, my car was totaled in an accident. Although I had insurance, the money I got for my car was really not enough to buy another one. I live on a very tight budget. I was so worried! How am I going to afford a new car? Some friends at church loaned me one of their vehicles to use while I was searching for a car I could afford. After a very discouraging day of car shopping, I pulled into my carport. When I got out of my car, I dropped my keys. When I reached down to pick them up, there was a penny.  Every penny says, “In God We Trust.”  Immediately, I was reminded of my friend, Jodi. Years ago she shared about God leaving pennies in her path to remind her that He is trustworthy. I picked up the penny and said, “Lord, thank You for this reminder and for always providing for me. I’m sorry I wasted so much time worrying about this and not trusting You.” As I opened my door, my phone rang. The couple who loaned me their vehicle told me that the Lord spoke very clearly to them and told them to give me their car – free & clear! I’ve been driving that car for a year and a half. God never fails to provide for me!!”

WOW! Praise God for meeting Janey’s needs quickly and extravagantly!

We are not claiming this message to be a prosperity gospel one, but we are claiming that our God can be trusted, He is faithful, and He is able to meet our needs.

I’m wondering if you have an unmet need today.

Are you fretting about how you will pay your rent?

Are you trying to figure out how you are going to get proper childcare so you can work outside the home?

Are you seeking health care for your loved one and insurance is a consistent roadblock for you?

In Philippians 4:10-23, the apostle Paul writes about how he learned to be content in whatever circumstances he finds himself because Jesus is his source of contentment. Paul was spiritually full knowing Jesus would see him through any need he had.

Much like we heard in Janey’s story, God used the church in Philippi to meet a need Paul had and because of their willingness to sacrificially give, Paul wanted them to know God was able to meet their needs as well. He tells them that God WILL supply all their needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19). It was Paul’s testimony of his faith in God. It was God who supplied the Philippians with the resources to meet Paul’s need.

While you are waiting, you can experience the same contentment as Paul by abiding and trusting in Jesus. You can never go wrong by placing your hope in Jesus as your source.

His supply is infinite, abundant, inexhaustible, limitless, and boundless.

It’s not unusual for God to use people to meet our needs but He can use anything He wishes and in unexpected ways.

We are reminded through Paul that when he suffered a thorn in the side, that he asked God to remove it three times. Instead, God showed him that His grace was sufficient to provide strength to move forward (2 Corinthians 12:9-10).

In Isaiah we read how God used a raven to feed Elijah a biscuit.

In Jonah He used a plant to shade Jonah as he was baking in the sun.

In exodus God used a rock to hydrate the Israelites.

In Mark God provided a donkey for Jesus to ride on.

In Matthew God provided a coin in a fish to pay a tax.

In Matthew Jesus teaches us to pray for God to give us our daily bread to meet our daily needs.

Do you get the point yet? God is aware of your need. He can do far and above anything you ask (Ephesians 3:20). Will He provide immediately? I don’t know. How will He provide? I don’t know. But what I do know is that He will see you through. Just don’t try to do it on your own.  In John 15:5 Jesus reminds us that we can do nothing apart from Him.

He is Jehovah-Jireh (juh-HO-vah JI-rah)-meaning the Lord provides (Gen. 22:11-14, Heb 11:17-19). He has provided our greatest need which is atonement for our sins through His Son, Jesus Christ.

So, what is your need today?

To be content in your circumstances?

To be the recipient of a miracle because there seems to be no provision in sight.

To take a step of faith and ask Jesus to save you?

Friend, whatever your need is take it to the Lord and allow Him to first do a work in you and remember He is trustworthy.


God recently prompted me to write to you through my blog using what I share on Pennies In Your Path. I pray that this format is encouraging to you and helps you grow a deeper and more intimate trusting relationship with Christ. 

Do you need prayer? Contact Jodi by clicking here. Or email Jodi at email@JodiAiken.com.

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