Hot Off The Press


I am incredibly humbled to present a project that God and I have worked on for a few years. Trust Issues is a book that helps you cultivate a foundation of trust in God, allowing you to maintain that trust even when life gets difficult.  

I guide you through the Word, conveying God’s trustworthiness, while sharing my own stories of wrestling with God. I love that in relating David’s life, the Bible provides applicable examples of what it’s like to waffle between wholeheartedly trusting God, being swayed by human relationships, and back to finally trusting God again. In my book I write about David at the begining of each chapter because his life offers insight into who God is and how to communicate with Him. Their relationship offers us hope, as it reveals that God remains faithful even when we are not faithful.

Do not get the idea that a man or woman after God’s own heart is perfect. He or she is most assuredly not. In many ways, David is no different than you or me. That is one of the reasons I chose David to be a part of building your confidence in God. Everyone can relate to him. The same God who extended David grace for some terrible choices he made also extends grace to you and me (Ephesians 2:8–9). God did not give up on David, and He refuses to give up on you, too. God knows the core of your trust issues, and I want to help you navigate through them to find freedom.

If you struggle to trust God, I pray this book will help you form a solid and unshakable foundation of faith to build upon for a lifetime of peace, joy, and freedom.

I invite you to grab a copy of Trust Issues now and begin your journey to cultivate your trust in God.