What are your most valued treasures? Can you entrust God with them?

Entrusting God with what is precious to us means releasing control. It is saying here you go God. You take care of them because I know that I can trust you no matter what happens.

The depths of this kind of trust takes believing God at His word. That He has good plans for us (Jeremiah 29:11). That He can turn all things into good for those who love Him (Romans 8:28). That He is good even when bad things happen (Psalms 136:1).

Entrusting God with my family, friends, and future has taken years of relationship building with God. So often I would hand them over to Him and then take them back when it got uncomfortable.

I thought I could do better. How arrogant and naive!

Have you given and then taken back from God?

What about your family?

What about your friends?

What about your future?

We would be wise to learn from a few Biblical Saints.

Moses mother, Jochebed, set her son in a basket to float downstream in the Nile entrusting him to God (Exodus 2:1-10, 6:20).

Hannah entrusted God with her first-born son as she dropped him off at the synagogue to live (1 Samuel 1).

Isaiah entrusted God with his future even if that meant he would be known as the weeping prophet (Jeremiah 9:1).

Jesus entrusted God with His friends even when He knew the world would hate them because of Him (John 15:15-19).

They each show us the value of entrusting God with what is most precious to us. The value of knowing the heart of God.

He has a caring, loving, and compassionate heart which He desires us to not only know, but experience.

God is the same yesterday and today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). He is unchanging and therefore we know from His track record that He is faithful, true, steadfast, and Sovereign.

The more we entrust God with… the more intimate we know Him and the more we can rest in Him.

Isn’t rest what we need?   (To view the “REST “video click here. To view the meaning of “R” in REST article click here.)

Rest from mental battles, fear, trying to control everything-everyone.

God is a responsible God and He takes better care of our family, friends, and future than we possibly can.

You may not like what your family and friends go through or the future He has in-store, but you can rest knowing God is actively involved. Even when you cannot see Him at work you can trust His heart motives. He always intends good towards you even if it feels like sandpaper at times.

To be transparent with you, I still struggle from time to time entrusting God with my most valued treasures. Not because He is not trustworthy, but because of my fears. I naively think that if I cling to them all, then I can impact their well-being or the outcome.

Well, the truth is I can impact them but in a negative way. Who wants to be responsible for those kinds of results?

A friend recently reminded me of the tall stack of God’s evidence of faithfulness in my life.

She’s right!

While in the midst of my struggle of releasing what I hold close, I can reflect on how God walked me through grief, healed my broken heart, provided when there was no way, and opened doors only He could open.

I’m learning from others and God’s history with myself how to entrust Him with my everything no matter what happens.

What are you holding onto that you need to entrust God with?

Friend, there is great freedom in releasing it into His care. He’s got it! Believe Him at His word.