After a long engagement, it was finally time for our son’s wedding. While packing and checking my list for the long trip, worry and concern welled up in me. Did I forget something? What about the safety of others who were travelling to the venue? Several “what if” scenarios consumed my thoughts, and anxiety hindered me from taking deep breaths.

As I wrapped up one last errand at the store, I approached my car and saw a penny on the ground beside my wheel. I paused and thought to myself, “Did I drop that getting out of my car? Did someone that knows about my penny stories place it there?” Instead of thanking God, I tried to reason how it must not have been from Him. 

Isn’t that just like the enemy to twist what God is actively doing? When I realized that I doubted God as the one getting my attention I sat in my car and released all my concerns to Him. By the end of our conversation, my worry transformed into peace, allowing me to breathe deeper. 

My friend, Krista, shared with me how God transformed her worry into peace, as well. She wrote, “Hey sweet friend, just wanted to let you know today was a bit of a hard morning. My daughter went to her first day of middle school and didn’t have a schedule and their schedule is already all messed up. She is thriving, but this mama is a bit overwhelmed. As I walked out of the store, grabbing some stuff, I found a shiny penny and thought of you and how I can trust the Lord. Thanks for being used by the Lord today even when you weren’t around.”

We both were worried about things we could not control. Are you worrying about something out of your control? If so, ask yourself what worrying is accomplishing? For me, it is usually distress, distraction, physical complications. I often feel like a hamster running on a wheel, churning my “what if” sceneries through my thoughts until I’m exhausted. 

How do we stop worrying?

Let’s glean from what Jesus told His disciples:

Jesus’ disciples had just received disturbing news and they needed peace to overcome their worries. 

In John 14:27 Jesus said to His disciples “Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.” 

Someone wrote: “The world’s peace is shallow, unsatisfying, and temporary; while Christ’s peace rests deep in the heart, is always satisfying, and will abide forever. The world offers peace through outward means; Christ gives peace that dwells in the heart. In the world, peace is something you hope for or work for; but to the Christian, peace is God’s wonderful gift, received by faith.”

Friend, God is our JEHOVAH-SHALOM—(juh-HO-vahshah-LOME)-The Lord my peace.

As a Christ-follower and disciple of Christ, peace is one of many promises He faithfully fulfills. 

Philippians 4:4-9 reminds us how to activate God’s peace within us.

“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! Let your gentle spirit be known to all men. The Lord is near. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.”

It takes intentionality to activate and maintain the peace already within us.

As we experience the downs of life we must get back up again. We must refocus on what is true. We must strive to seek peace.

We must because our worries in this world will always try to deter our focus away from God and onto the struggle.

  • Knowing this means that we must willfully practice the truth we know.

We know that prayer is the instrument that draws us near to God. Having conversations with Him connects us to His heart. We learn to trust Him, love Him, and know Him better.

He uses our prayers to exchange chaos for peace.


Eases the

Aches that


Entangles us in

The aches that anxiety, fear, and worry create within us take root when we doubt God’s goodness, lose trust in Him, or rely on our own strength. Our troubles and concerns may not go away when we pray, but God has assured us that we can have peace as we trust Him to have His way.

Friend, be intentional like me and my friend, Krista, chose to be. Let that be your testimony, as well. The testimony of how you chose God’s peace over your worry. God Can Be Trusted!


God recently prompted me to write to you through my blog using what I share on Pennies In Your Path. I pray that this format is encouraging to you and helps you grow a deeper and more intimate trusting relationship with Christ. 

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