I have something to share with you hoping it will motivate you to move forward in what God is calling you to do.

In my last article, I share, by way of confession, that I am a procrastinator when it comes to doing difficult things. God has me working on a project I have prolonged as long as possible.

There came the point when my procrastination became disobedience. I admit I was putting it off because of all the unknowns. In other words, fear held me back.

So, I am choosing to turn my fear into action and allow my faith to be bigger than my fear.

My clear assignment from God is to invest in the lives of women through the written and spoken word. I have been writing a blog for some time now, but in addition to that I am now offering a Podcast called, “Pennies In Your Path.” It is out and available on iTunes and my Podcast Page on my website.

Here is a bit about the Podcast:

“Our journey with God is a path of faith as we trust Him with each step.

Often we feel alone on this walk. Yet, God assures us we are not. When we intentionally look for Him with a pure heart, we will see Him in simple things and the difficult things of life.

“Pennies in Your Path,” is about encouraging hearts to seek treasures in Christ.

The shows will offer a variety of personal stories, scriptures to ponder, and interviews.

The goal of “Pennies in Your Path” is to heighten your awareness of His presence, apply His word in truth and principle, and flourish in a more intimate relationship with Christ.

I will be sharing Real Stories, with Real Honesty, and Real Journeys”

I am genuinely excited about God’s new assignment and I acknowledge pushing through the hard parts will be worth it.

I find comfort in knowing that whatever work God begins in us He will carry it out into completion (Philippians 1:6).

What assignment has God given you?

Are you putting it off?  If so, why?

Don’t allow your fear to be more significant than your faith. Reverse the roles.

“Faith means trusting in advance what will only make sense in reverse.” -Philip Yancey”