Y’all, I have a confession to make; I am a procrastinator!

However, it’s not in every area of my life – just the problematic ones. It’s when God wants me to write about certain life events, pursue a project He has given me, or create a schedule to be more productive.

I procrastinate doing these things because of:

Insecurity–feeling inadequate

Fear--failing at the task

What about you? Are you always on top of things and have it all together, or do you, too, procrastinate?

Perhaps it’s time to change jobs, but the fear of the unknown suffocates your courage to move forward.

Maybe God has called you into a direction that you hesitate to embrace because it does not look like what you had in mind.

Could it be that you are putting off pursuing the very thing God wants to bless you with because you are unsure of where to start?

During one of my morning quiet times the Lord helped me understand a simple truth:

We over-complicate things.

I was reading in Joshua how the Israelites crossed the Jordan and conquered the land God had promised them. Joshua then divided the land among the people groups according to their inheritance.

While at Shiloh, with the tent of meeting (the tabernacle), all the land had been subdued before them when Joshua recognized that seven tribes had not divided their inheritance.

I love what Joshua speaks to them next because it pierced my heart in a personal way.

“So, Joshua said to the sons of Israel, “How long will you put off entering to take possession of the land which the LORD, the God of your fathers, has given you?” (Joshua 18:3 NASB)

The Word does not tell us why they put it off, but as you continue reading it shows us how Joshua took something that was seemingly too difficult for these tribes to do, and created a plan of action that fully accomplished the task. You can read the full account in Joshua 18:4-10.

Can you resonate with these seven tribes?

You have worked so hard to be where you are today, but the thought of taking that next step is paralyzing. The unknown feels bigger than you. The lie of the enemy says you will fail and you are not worthy. The voice of fear says, “What if…?”

The truth is that we fail because we never try.

The truth is that we turn away from God’s promises because we don’t believe He will come through.

The truth is we choose the enemy’s lies over God’s truth.

The truth is HARD!

So, why in the world would you and I hesitate to receive a promise from God? Our flesh wants an easy path. We want what is comfortable. We believe that if we stay in the spot we are in, then we will not fail.

Friend, we serve a God that is longsuffering, forgiving, patient and committed to walking alongside us to see His plans come to fruition.

I draw strength from Joshua 21:45 because it speaks of the fulfillment of God’s promises.

Not one of the good promises which the LORD had made to the house of Israel failed; all came to pass.”

I no longer want to over-complicate things in a way that will hinder me from receiving God’s good promises. My first step is to go before God and ask for forgiveness for putting off my obedience to His very calling. In other words, when God has called us to do something and we procrastinate, that my friend is disobedience. OUCH!

Join me in this first step if you have not already. Then, let’s take the next action with our loving God and embrace what He has for us believing He can do what He says He can do.

Today is the day the Lord has made so let’s rejoice in it and start fresh. Regroup and create a plan of action with God asking Him to help you fully accomplish it.

You are a witness to one of the things I was putting off sharing with you. There is great freedom when we simplify things and let God work out His plan of action.

Don’t “put off” living free today!