Have you ever read a familiar story, and yet it fell fresh upon you as if you’d never read it before? As I began reading the story of Gideon in Judges 6-7, for the first time, I started seeing myself in the story.

For instance:

  • He was insecure. I battle with insecurities.
  • He questioned God by asking, “Why then has all this happened to us?” I have asked God the same question.
  • He was fearful. I am afraid at times.
  • He had doubts. I wrestle with doubts.
  • He was weak and did not see himself as God did. I have so many weaknesses that I struggle seeing what God sees in me.

Can you relate?

I must admit that, at first, it discouraged me as I realized how much I related to Gideon’s timidity.

My friend, the struggle was real for Gideon and it is for us, as well. However, it’s inspiring to see that while Gideon was timid and hiding from the enemy, God saw him as a “valiant warrior” (Judges 6:12).

He wants us to see ourselves as a fearless warrior, too!

God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity but of power, love, and self-discipline (2 Timothy 1:7).

Look back at Gideon’s story:

With each testing of God, Gideon’s confidence grew in himself and in God. He ultimately became the valiant warrior that God already knew he was!

I am encouraged that when Gideon tested God not once, not twice, but four times, God never got mad. He did not say, “Never mind, you are hopeless.” He did not lose patience nor abandon him. God was aware of how Gideon viewed himself. God also knows how we see ourselves and is patient with us.

While reading about Gideon’s fourth test, I had an “aha” moment! It was time for me to stop testing God, and choose to fully trust Him with an undivided faith, instead.

See, Gideon was willing to do anything for God, but because of his fears and insecurities, he deemed himself altogether insufficient. Therefore, he needed confirmation that God was who He said He was and could do what He said He could do. Gideon needed to believe that he could become more than the sum of his past failures. I’m not much different than Gideon. How about you?

God knows exactly what it will take for each of us to believe in ourselves. It is a process, just like it was for Gideon.

What does it take for me to move from being timid to becoming a warrior? Anchoring my trust in a trustworthy Savior. Because, when the storms come, and they will, I need my anchor to hold.

Friend, do not give up on the process you are going through to anchor your faith. God is not giving up on you! God can pass any of your tests with flying colors! But, the most significant test is really on you… will you believe God today?

Keep pressing forward. God sees you, even if you are hiding, and He is calling you to a higher purpose. So, live it, believe it, and own it.

Lord, help us see who we truly are through Your eyes. Take our timid mindset and exchange it for confidence and strength that is found in You. Raise us up to be the fearless warriors You already see us to be. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Friend, if you need prayer or encouragement feel free to complete the private form below and I will personally respond to you.


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